Friday, October 10, 2008

Jesus of Nazareth

I loved all the passages in this reading. This is what Jesus was about. Love. Compassion. Happiness.
The first passage talks about loving your enemies and do good to them. The way I see it, if you have the love of God in you, you will show it to everyone, even your enemies. Jesus did not hate anyone. I CAN NOT stand seeing these "Christians" out protesting at gay rallies with signs saying "God Hates Fags". What a terrible TERRIBLE way to spread God's love. These people are the worst example of it!! We were all made equally. He loves us all. Even our greatest enemies. That's what true God love is really about. Showing love and compassion to the unloving. I think I wrote about this in a previous blog, but I went to a Christian school from the 3rd grade till I graduated high school. Everyone around me was a Christian. My teachers, my peers, the staff, everyone. But I saw some of the most terrible things there coming from these people. Like i said, God is love. Jesus is love. Christianity is about showing God's love because you have found it, right? Isn't it about spreading the word about what Jesus did for us, because he loved us? I saw so much hate at that school, especially through the church. They looked down on others for not living up to "God's standard", but when behind closed doors, these people were just as bad! They would only befriend other Christians. They would ignore and treat the non-Christians terribly. that's the worst way to share God's love. why share it with people who already have it and know it? When someone would make a mistake, every single person would look down on you and talk so much about you, yes even the teachers. It was terrible. And I know I can't judge the religion because of bad experiences I had at that school, but because of what i saw there, at other churches, through other christian's around the world, it made me realize I want nothing to do with the religion Christianity. I'm a believer of God and Jesus and I love them, but i feel like as long as I'm good to others, good to this earth, good to myself, then I'm doing exactly what God wanted me to do on this earth.


Marine said...

Damn, I couldn't have put it in better words myself. The part about gays is totally true. Not even that, but it is also in the constitution "Freedom of expression and religion." If these hypocrites would stop looking down on others, they would be living the way they are telling everyone else to. Great blog, sounds like you are speaking from the heart with passion, I like it!

alli bosserman said...

I completely agree with you. To often do i see "christians" acting the opposite of how Christ lived. Every book in the bible talks about helping others and showing love and compassion and to often I see corupt Christian leaders pulling in millions of dollars as a sallary from peoples tithe and the people who need to be helped never get it. Becuase Christians every where are not living up to Christs example and Gods love I find it even more important for people who do know his love to show what a true christian sould be like by spreading love and compassion in the name of Christ.

Florentina said...

I so agree with everything you said! Jesus taught us to love on another, not hate people that are different. I hope that I can remember that every time I come across someone who is different than me. It's undeniable, if you have Gods love in you there's no way it won't show to other people around you.