Sunday, October 5, 2008

the buddha

this reading has a few different passages. basically they all talk about the way of the buddha. The first part is talking about being led by what you see and realize that is good and wholesome for you. don't be told what is good or judge by appearances. know for yourself. this just seems pretty difficult to me, i don't know about you guys. sometimes i feel like i'm doing right, then get shot down and told that it was wrong.
It also tells a little story about a man and his raft. It explains how the raft lost its use once the man came onto land. and just like the man realized it was worthless on land, we need to be able to let go of some teachings as well. life is always going. there is always change going on in our lives. the only constant in life is chance. what was once a wholesome teaching at one point in life, might be worthless to you a month later. it all just depends on where in life you might be.
then the last passage goes on about how he must be our own confidence and light. we have to guide ourselves in truth. i like how it says to hold the truth within ourselves but i don't quite seem to understand that first part. what i'm getting out of it is that we must do what is true for ourselves. we light our own ways. doing only what we know is right.

1 comment:

Katy Cahill said...

I completely agree with what you said when you talked about doing something you thought was right, only to be shot down. I feel that way sometimes too and it really lowers your confidence. All in all, totally agree with everything you said.