Friday, September 26, 2008


I enjoyed this reading a bit more than the last one. I like how it talks about how the mature person accepts this situation. I think my favorite sentence in this reading is "Life can present him with no situation in which he isn't master of himself." In life, we are the only ones who can control our lives. No one else can control our lives unless we let them.
As I reread this, I stop to think about how peaceful this world would be if we all lived like the mature person this reading is describing. No blame towards others, seeking nothing from others, not fawning his superiors, not dominating over his subordinates, living in perfect serenity, This is the type of person I wish to be.
I also really enjoyed the last part of this reading about sincerity. Sincerity is really truly a powerful thing. For many people it is too hard to be sincere with others and with themselves. I love and completely agree with the idea that once we act with sincerity, everything we do is right.


This reading starts off with a speech. In this speech, it is said that to be unattached of all things is far better than dwelling on anything. It also talks about our "treasure house" and how everything we need is already there. That we need to stop searching for other things. I guess the Buddha isn't present in me cause I don't think i got the right interpretation of these words. I found it a bit confusing to really understand what this reading is trying to say. What is our treasure house? How do all things not have a beginning or end? I'm not exactly sure if this is what the reading was trying to say, but I do believe that we make our own reality's. And that people should not worry so much about the future and the past, but then it goes on in the second part to not even dwell on the present. I don't understand! What are we supposed to go around thinking about? Are we supposed to even be thinking at all? I don't know if it's just me and my brain isn't functioning correctly this morning, but I did not understand the first part of this reading.
The second part goes on talking about how we're not supposed to dwell on anything. That our minds should dwell upon non-dwelling. Isn't that dwelling on something though? Although this reading was also quite confusing, I like the idea of not dwelling upon anything. Last night I was actually having this conversation with my boyfriend. We both dwell on things that have happened in the past and dwell on what is going to happen in the future, that I feel like neither of us can really enjoy the present. Right now I'm currently so caught up on decisions I have to make regarding my future but I feel like if I keep going on like this, I will never be able to enjoy NOW and before I know it, my future, will be my past. Instead of living for the future, I want to live life one day at a time. But I feel like now days there is so much pressure put on people and life, when this is all just temporary. We're all going to die. Why can't we just enjoy life instead of worrying so much?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Yehiel Mikhal of Zlotchov

This reading is talking about how the world was created for the pleasure of God. Then it talks about how without God, humans are nothing. But many people these days believe that without God they can exist. With the material possesions we have on earth we can exist.
I don't really know how I feel about this reading. I partially agree with it but at the same time I don't. I believe there is a God and that without Him we'd be nothing. But i think He created us and this earth for us to enjoy it. To enjoy our lives.

Shmelke of Nikolsburg

In this reading, the Rabbi is asked how one is supposed to love their neighbor, if the neighbor has wronged that person. The disciple does not understand how he is supposed to love this man, if this man has gone against this disciple. The Rabbi then answers by giving him an example. He was saying that all souls are one, that all souls originated from God's soul. So if the disciple were to punish his neighbor for doing wrong, he is basically punishing himself and God.
This is quite a powerful reading. I loved the part about how all of our souls are a part of God's soul. And that what we do to not only ourselves, but each other also effects God.
It's very hard to show compassion to those who are wicked. And sometimes we can't help it. But I believe that inside everyone, there is some good. And the wickedness came from something that has affected them in the past. Whether it was a hard childhood, people mistreating them, trouble with the family or at home, whatever it is, that person was once truly a good person. As we get older and more exposed to the world, we have two choices. To do good, or to do bad. Of course we could do both at the same time, but I feel like the more good we do, the more our heart will be prone to do good things. and vice versa. but I feel like those who do evil might just need a little bit of love in their lives to realize that what they are doing is wrong. It's hard to show love to these types of people, because at times we may feel like they don't deserve it, but I think God made us all to enjoy this life He blessed us with. And I think it's wrong for us to try and decide whether one person deserves it or not.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ramana Maharshi

Man, if only we were all able to live life like Maharshi. This world would be such a better place. These little passages in this reading were very enlightening. It made me think about how simple and wonderful life could be if we were able to live like this. I enjoyed the part about "affection toward the good, compassion toward the helpless, happiness in doing good deeds, forgiveness toward the wicked...". I can say that I try to be able to live like this but at the same time, it can be so difficult. But if we were all able to succeed in living life this way, I think we all would be better people in many different ways and happier with ourselves. It's crazy because right before reading this I got a call from my mother telling me about a hostage situation and gang related shootings in the high school of the town I grew up in. All this was going on this morning. And it just made me think about how if people were able to live like this, we would not have to worry about situations like that. It's terrible to think that now days, high schoolers may even have to worry about going to class.
I also enjoy the part where it speaks about how if the mind is happy, the world will be happy and that we must find happiness within ourselves first. I completely agree with this. You must be happy first before seeing the world for how wonderful it truly can be. A depressed person is going to see the world as a terrible, ugly place, where as a truly happy person will see the world for how beautiful it is. The mind has complete control over how we view things, but I feel like we are all capable of controlling how our mind views things.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Upanishads

This passage seemed a little confusing. Well maybe not so confusing, I just didn't really completely understand what it was trying to say. I know it's talking about the Self and trying to describe it but I think that's where it lost me, in the description. But there were a few parts that I really liked. For example when it says "That which makes the tongue speak but which cannot be spoken by the tongue--that alone is God, not what people worship. That which makes the mind think but which cannot be thought by the mind--that alone is God, not what people worship." That section of this reading was probably what I liked the most. Also I like how it talks about how those who don't know God, understand it. I feel like God is a mysterious greater power that no human is even capable of understanding. I think we're not even close to being worthy of understand His power and His creations and I feel like people need to stop pretending they do. I feel like it's kind of an insult to even act like we do. No human will ever be able to understand or know or see or hear God because, well, He's so great and powerful, and humans, we're just kind of.... not anything like that!!! We can't even compare. So instead of trying to understand and coming up with crazy ideas about God and what He supposedly wants from us, we should enjoy what He gave us. Enjoy the life that he blessed us with. Enjoy the earth he made for us. Enjoy the people He put in our lives, and be kind to others that He put on this earth. And I think that alone will be good enough for Him.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Chief Seattle

Wow, I really really enjoyed this reading. The first one was really sad because it just made me think of how easy the Indians were taken advantage of but I feel like this speech was more like a slap in the face of the white men, but a polite gentle slap. As I was reading this speech I could just picture spirits of the Indians in the cities and towns or on the slopes with the white men. I love how spiritual it was. The white men did not like the Indian's religion. They tried to force it on the Indians but they weren't having it. I think they chose a horrible way to try and convert them. Instead of showing them love and peace and compassion, the white men were terrible people to the natives. In the speech, Chief Seattle talks about how the white people's god doesn't like the native people, and how he is cruel to the natives, but good to the white people. It's really sad that they think this when a god should not be someone that they fear. I think it's amazing how the natives really truly love their land. And how Chief Seattle brought up the fact that they would never leave it, because they love it and it's so sacred to them, where as the white men are "wanderers" because they leave their father's grave and don't care about them like the natives do. I find their spirituality so amazing and interesting. I think now after this reading wherever I go I will probably be thinking about this land and how sacred it once was to the natives that first lived here. I will think about the spirits that are still on this land, and how they are probably watching us and our people with tears in their eyes because we are simply polluting their sacred land.


I truly enjoyed this reading. It really made me think about how corrupt the Christian religion has been for a long time now. It made me think about growing up and how I encountered many people like these settlers. I grew up going to a Christian school all my life, and if for once, you thought outside of the box, these people did not want anything to do with you. They had every single person in the school and at the church completely brain washed. Yet if one person were to mess up, like everyone does sometime or another in life, you would basically be screwed. The main objective with Christianity is to show other's "God's love" right? But I feel like these people, are honestly the worst examples of "God's love". I feel like if there is a greater spirit out there, they would prefer the way of life that the Indians choose, rather than the white men. I believe that by being a good person, treating those the way you'd like to be treated, respecting the earth, and just reaching out to those in need, actions like that, you will be rewarded in the end of this journey we like to call life. The Indians were so friendly and welcoming to the settlers and these people just try and take over something that isn't theirs. I don't understand how they could just stumble upon someone else's territory and feel like they are able to take over it simply because they're white. Or for whatever reason it was that they felt better than the Indians. It shows how compassionate and good spirited these Indians were. I know that if someone were trying to do that to me and my family, I would not have reacted the same way as they did, by giving them a seat. It's really a sad story.