Friday, September 12, 2008

Ramana Maharshi

Man, if only we were all able to live life like Maharshi. This world would be such a better place. These little passages in this reading were very enlightening. It made me think about how simple and wonderful life could be if we were able to live like this. I enjoyed the part about "affection toward the good, compassion toward the helpless, happiness in doing good deeds, forgiveness toward the wicked...". I can say that I try to be able to live like this but at the same time, it can be so difficult. But if we were all able to succeed in living life this way, I think we all would be better people in many different ways and happier with ourselves. It's crazy because right before reading this I got a call from my mother telling me about a hostage situation and gang related shootings in the high school of the town I grew up in. All this was going on this morning. And it just made me think about how if people were able to live like this, we would not have to worry about situations like that. It's terrible to think that now days, high schoolers may even have to worry about going to class.
I also enjoy the part where it speaks about how if the mind is happy, the world will be happy and that we must find happiness within ourselves first. I completely agree with this. You must be happy first before seeing the world for how wonderful it truly can be. A depressed person is going to see the world as a terrible, ugly place, where as a truly happy person will see the world for how beautiful it is. The mind has complete control over how we view things, but I feel like we are all capable of controlling how our mind views things.

1 comment:

Aryn said...

I agree with you with everything you said! this world could be a much better place! and it is terrible that students go to class worried, it shouldnt be like that!