Friday, September 5, 2008


I truly enjoyed this reading. It really made me think about how corrupt the Christian religion has been for a long time now. It made me think about growing up and how I encountered many people like these settlers. I grew up going to a Christian school all my life, and if for once, you thought outside of the box, these people did not want anything to do with you. They had every single person in the school and at the church completely brain washed. Yet if one person were to mess up, like everyone does sometime or another in life, you would basically be screwed. The main objective with Christianity is to show other's "God's love" right? But I feel like these people, are honestly the worst examples of "God's love". I feel like if there is a greater spirit out there, they would prefer the way of life that the Indians choose, rather than the white men. I believe that by being a good person, treating those the way you'd like to be treated, respecting the earth, and just reaching out to those in need, actions like that, you will be rewarded in the end of this journey we like to call life. The Indians were so friendly and welcoming to the settlers and these people just try and take over something that isn't theirs. I don't understand how they could just stumble upon someone else's territory and feel like they are able to take over it simply because they're white. Or for whatever reason it was that they felt better than the Indians. It shows how compassionate and good spirited these Indians were. I know that if someone were trying to do that to me and my family, I would not have reacted the same way as they did, by giving them a seat. It's really a sad story.

1 comment:

alli bosserman said...

I love the way you ended your blog. Its incredible how compassionate the indians were. I mean not only did the white men take their land, but they lied and stole from them too. And in return the indians showed them love and compassion. If anything the Indians were better Christians than the missionary was.