Friday, September 26, 2008


This reading starts off with a speech. In this speech, it is said that to be unattached of all things is far better than dwelling on anything. It also talks about our "treasure house" and how everything we need is already there. That we need to stop searching for other things. I guess the Buddha isn't present in me cause I don't think i got the right interpretation of these words. I found it a bit confusing to really understand what this reading is trying to say. What is our treasure house? How do all things not have a beginning or end? I'm not exactly sure if this is what the reading was trying to say, but I do believe that we make our own reality's. And that people should not worry so much about the future and the past, but then it goes on in the second part to not even dwell on the present. I don't understand! What are we supposed to go around thinking about? Are we supposed to even be thinking at all? I don't know if it's just me and my brain isn't functioning correctly this morning, but I did not understand the first part of this reading.
The second part goes on talking about how we're not supposed to dwell on anything. That our minds should dwell upon non-dwelling. Isn't that dwelling on something though? Although this reading was also quite confusing, I like the idea of not dwelling upon anything. Last night I was actually having this conversation with my boyfriend. We both dwell on things that have happened in the past and dwell on what is going to happen in the future, that I feel like neither of us can really enjoy the present. Right now I'm currently so caught up on decisions I have to make regarding my future but I feel like if I keep going on like this, I will never be able to enjoy NOW and before I know it, my future, will be my past. Instead of living for the future, I want to live life one day at a time. But I feel like now days there is so much pressure put on people and life, when this is all just temporary. We're all going to die. Why can't we just enjoy life instead of worrying so much?

1 comment:

Marine said...

The Treasure house is your life and things don't begin or end because they are always existing. Just a guess, I studied bushido "the way of the warrior." Samurai felt that when you die you enter into a higher level of existence.
I like how you see death as inevitable. Because it is. Thats why I live my life to the fullest and suggest everyone else should too!