Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Upanishads

This passage seemed a little confusing. Well maybe not so confusing, I just didn't really completely understand what it was trying to say. I know it's talking about the Self and trying to describe it but I think that's where it lost me, in the description. But there were a few parts that I really liked. For example when it says "That which makes the tongue speak but which cannot be spoken by the tongue--that alone is God, not what people worship. That which makes the mind think but which cannot be thought by the mind--that alone is God, not what people worship." That section of this reading was probably what I liked the most. Also I like how it talks about how those who don't know God, understand it. I feel like God is a mysterious greater power that no human is even capable of understanding. I think we're not even close to being worthy of understand His power and His creations and I feel like people need to stop pretending they do. I feel like it's kind of an insult to even act like we do. No human will ever be able to understand or know or see or hear God because, well, He's so great and powerful, and humans, we're just kind of.... not anything like that!!! We can't even compare. So instead of trying to understand and coming up with crazy ideas about God and what He supposedly wants from us, we should enjoy what He gave us. Enjoy the life that he blessed us with. Enjoy the earth he made for us. Enjoy the people He put in our lives, and be kind to others that He put on this earth. And I think that alone will be good enough for Him.


Woody did a bad, bad thing said...

I aprreciate your being frank about not exactly understanding the reading. Much better than B-S'ing your way through it! LOL

I just wanted to share a couple of things with you.

First, if man ever thinks he understands God, he should find a new God. Otherwise, what's the point of even having a higher power?

Second, the type of power the Upanishad describe can be felt because we are not separate from God. We are of God. Thus, the only way to truly know the divine is to stop being human, stop recognizing anything as being real or unreal; simply, all things are made of God so all things are the same. You, me, a tree, a chair... all the same stuff--God.

That is what they mean by Self. We are all part of one Self, not a bunch of individual
selves. The goal is to accept that knowledge and in doing so all the delusions of "this" life fade into a greater and deeper understanding.

Hope that helps!


Jason File said...

Hi Marisol,

You wrote: "So instead of trying to understand and coming up with crazy ideas about God and what He supposedly wants from us, we should enjoy what He gave us. Enjoy the life that he blessed us with. Enjoy the earth he made for us. Enjoy the people He put in our lives, and be kind to others that He put on this earth. And I think that alone will be good enough for Him."

I thought that was a really awesome passage you wrote. I think that is very wise.